Association of Nordic Engineers

Association of Nordic Engineers (ANE) is a common channel for international co-operation for Nordic engineers. Engineers Finland joined ANE on January 1, 2020, after which approximately 500,000 engineers and other technology experts and supervisors will be represented by ANE. The ANE operates in particular at European Union level. The objectives defined in the ANE strategy for 2020-2022 are:

  • To emphasize the role of the engineering community in the transition to a sustainable society
  • To support sustainable education and lifelong learning
  • To enable sufficient supply and demand for skilled engineers
  • To safeguard and improve the working conditions and working conditions of engineers
  • To affect legislation and decision-making in its area of competence, both at EU, regional and national level

The member organizations of ANE are:

Below you can find social media feeds of member organizations of ANE.