World Engineering Day Finland - Who Belongs in Tech?

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  • ke 8.3.2023 klo 8:309:05
  • Webinar

Who Belongs in Tech?

A great many people work in Tech, but which of us feel that we belong? We attempt to answer this important question in our webinar Who Belongs in Tech?, organized in celebration of World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development on 2023! In this webinar, we present the results of a groundbreaking research on the theme "Belonging in Tech" and enjoy reflections on the results by our high-level guests.

Sense of belonging is an important factor as we face an ever deepening shortage of skilled professionals in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Improving the sense of belonging in technology can help attract more students, help the retention of students and workforce and provide other benefits. Join our webinar to get a deeper understanding of the problem and possible solutions!


08.30 Start of webinar

  • Opening of the event, Jari Jokinen, Chairperson, Engineers Finland
  • Presentation of the main findings from the study "Belonging in Tech", Susanna Bairoh, Research manager, TEK
  • Reflections on the results
    • Elise Ruohonen, Business Unit Director, Sweco
    • Minna Tolkki, Head of digital services transformation, Services and solutions R&D, Kone
    • Nicole Ojala, Chairperson, Students of Akava
  • Closing of the event, Jari Jokinen, Chairperson, Engineers Finland

09.05 End of webinar


⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠The World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development (WED) is an official International day proclaimed in 2019 by the United Nationals Educations, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). WED is an opportunity to celebrate engineering and the contribution of the world’s engineers for a better, sustainable world.

The webinar is organized by Engineers Finland.

Join the conversation #worldengineeringday #wedfin23